
Jersey Golf

Junior 2025 Events

From 2025 we have updated alot of rules and regulations for all Jersey Golf Events, as it relates to Juniors we'd recommend you checking out the safeguarding tab to see code of conducts, and competition rules. 

** There will be no presentation on the day of a Jersey Golf Junior Competition in 2025 (except for the Final day of the Festival - 20th August),

all Trophies won will be presented at the Awards Evening at the end of the season and any vouchers won will be given to the home  players club office. **

Date Competition / Event Venue
23rd March Brian Troy Junior Open Royal Jersey
1st June Gothard Trophy La Moye
20th July Trevor Tanner Trophy La Moye
3rd August Jersey Matchplay Final (18 Hole) Royal Jersey
9th & 10th August Channel Island Final (36 Hole) La Moye
14th August Alker Trophy (Match vs Senior Men) La Moye
17th August Sid Guy Trophy (Festival 1 of 4) Royal Jersey
18th August Hillsden Trophy (Festival 2 of 4) La Moye
19th August St Clements Junior Open (Festival 3 of 4) St Clements
20th August Les Ormes Junior Open (Festival 4 of 4) Les Ormes
6th & 7th September Junior Inter Insular Guernsey
21st September Style Windows Open Royal Jersey
25th October Jersey Golf Annual Awards Evening La Moye

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